North Barn, Coleman's Farm, Epping
Taking pride of place at the centre of the development of a former equestrian centre and farm this large formerly derelict barn has been transformed into a large private dwelling with 6 bedrooms, internal and external swimming pools and a separate annexe.
Being Grade II listed the conversion was sympathetically developed retaining the fundamental form and structure of the original barn. Externally small domestic openings were purposefully avoided with glazing introduced in the form of large elements to reflect the simple large openings of the original barn
Internally the large openness of the barn was retained with subdivision subtly introduced through small changes in levels and the introduction of simple free standing elements such as stairs. These enabled the large open barn to retain the fundamental feel but function as a dwelling.
The original cart barn attached to the east of the main barn was converted into a series of bedrooms and en suites subdivided in line with the original trusses and openings.
An annex was developed within the stables to the south which in turn is linked to an indoor leisure wing which has far reaching views over the countryside to the south